Give Blood


Location: Outside the Duncan Student Center, adjacent to Door 14


The bloodmobile will be parked outside of the Duncan Student Center, Door 14 on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Your donation will save the lives of patients at our local hospitals! Click here to sign up for a donation time.

Am I eligible?

Only 38% of the US populations is eligible to donation blood. The following are things to know about being eligible to donate blood:

  • First time donors need a photo ID
  • Donors must wait 56 days between donations
  • Must be at least 17 years of age
  • Must be 16 years of age with signed parental consent
  • Must weight at least 110 pounds
  • Must be symptom free for 72 hours after a cold or influenza
  • Must wait 4 weeks after a tattoo or body piercing
  • Area of tattoo or piercing must be fully healed
  • Must not be pregnant

For details on blood donor eligibility, please visit South Bend Medical Foundation Eligibility.

Why donate?

Your donation is important to our community. About 400 whole blood donations are needed each week in our local area to maintain an adequate supply for hospitals and doctor offices. Approximately 200 patients in St. Joseph County alone use blood and blood products each week. These donations help patients heal and recover, and they save lives. Even more donations are needed in the summer months and around the holidays. During these times, the number of donations drop and the amount of blood being used increases.

Did you know?

  • Only 38% of the US populations is eligible to donation blood
  • Only 5 people out of 100 donate
  • 1 out of 3 people will need a blood transfusion in their lifetime
  • 3 out of 4 people will need a blood product in their lifetime
  • Donating 1 unit of whole blood can save up to 3 lives

These facts are provided by South Bend Medical Foundation. Learn more about blood by visiting South Bend Medical Foundation.