Foundations of Lifting Workshop


Location: Smith Center Personal Training Studio

Notre Dame Recsports Fitness Foundations Of Lifting Workshop Featured Image 1000x300


Have you ever looked into the weight room and wondered where to start or how to perform basic lifts correctly? This workshop is designed to ease the intimidation factor of the weight room by giving you science-based evidence on what you should do and why. We will take a survey level look at the four basic barbell lifts, basic programming for yourself, and addressing common myths in fitness.


The workshops are free! However limited spots are available for each workshop. Participants must register here on RecRegister for each workshop. Registration closes one hour prior to each workshop.

Attire for workshops

We strongly recommend that you wear workout clothes as most classes will have time for individual practice and feedback. You may want to bring a way to take notes as well.


RecSports Workshops are free!

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