Inversions & Arm Balances Workshop (CANCELLED)


Location: Rockne Memorial 205

Notre Dame Recsports Fitness Inversions Arm Balances Workshop Featured Image 1000x300

This workshop will provide fun and safe ways to begin or perfect your inversions and arm balances. Using props and modifications to set your building block base of these asanas, this workshop will show you different techniques to build the foundations of your advanced asanas from the base to the peak of the poses.


The workshops are free! However limited spots are available for each workshop. Participants must register here on RecRegister for each workshop. Registration closes one hour prior to each workshop.

Attire for workshops

We strongly recommend that you wear workout clothes as most classes will have time for individual practice and feedback. You may want to bring a way to take notes as well.


RecSports Workshops are free!

More Spring 2020 Workshops

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