Soreness and exercise

Author: RecSports

Notre Dame Recsports Soreness Fitness Tip Featured Image 1000 X 300 Px

Something everyone has experienced when it comes to exercise is muscle soreness. Although it is often a by-product of exercise, it’s not desirable since it inhibits movement, decreases range of motion, and indicates inflammation in the body while it persists.

  1. Minimal amounts of soreness are acceptable and expected as you get into a new workout regimen, but chasing continuous soreness during or after workouts is promoting chronic inflammation. 
  2. Much is still unknown about muscular soreness but it is thought to be caused by the small tears made from large increases in volume or intensity during eccentric, muscle lengthening, exercises.

Treatment for soreness

There is no prevention, cure, or treatment for soreness besides letting it run its course for a few days, but overall it is best to avoid soreness altogether.

Avoiding soreness

The best way to avoid soreness is to keep track of the work you’re doing each day, do the same exercises on a regular schedule often, and increase intensity and volume a little bit at a time. This method should keep progress moving forward but avoid soreness to the extent possible.

Take small incremental increases

Remember, if you’re starting exercise after a long break, take things very easy the first time and take notes of what you did. You can markedly increase your fitness level in just a few weeks, even if you start slow and take small incremental increases.